iOS Best Practice: Push Notifications Dialog

Here’s a rock-solid way to get a >90% acceptance rate on your push notifications ask dialog. This comes from the iOS app Mailbox.

  • Pre-emptive dialog, explaining why push notes are being asked for (because default iOS dialog does not allow for text customization).
  • A single, irresistible case for accepting push notes is presented (“notify you when your reservation is called”).
  • Default iOS dialog follows immediately after pre-emptive dialog.
  • Note how unappealing this dialog is – really doesn’t support the product at all (hence the pre-emptive dialog).
  • After accepting push notes, user is taken to a fairly good-looking – and useful – reservation queue.
  • Not only does user see reservations ticking down in front of them, but also people joining the line behind them – all numbers ticking by in real time!